Morolake Oluwatosin
The Management of Newshereandthere communication,Publisher of Newshereandthere online and Magazine has celebrated a woman of repute,Hon. Bola Obanya on the occasion of 63rd birthday anniversary.
A Congratulatory message on Thursday signed by the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer,CEO of Newshereandthere,Mrs Adewumi Ademiju described the celebrant as a woman of substance whose contribution to the development of women and Girl Child both home (Nigeria) and in diaspora is highly impactful.
A United States of America,USA ,based entrepreneurial and international business mogul Hon Obanya clocks 63 today.
“Newshereandthere is proud to associate with a Patriotic Nigerian who Prioritizes development and advancement of her country at all times.
” Your painstaking efforts in ensuring well being and progress of Nigerians in diaspora is known and recognized by meaningful Stakeholders in the country
“As you add another year today, Newshereandthere urges you on more relentless efforts for the benefit of Nigerians all over.
” We wish you happy birthday and many happy returns in good health and Prosperity.”