NUMTEN warns market leaders across Nigeria against isolating any ethnic group

The National Union of Market Traders Employers of Nigeria (NUMTEN), has directed market leaders not to isolate any ethnic group in their operations and dealings with the union.

Chairman of the newly formed union in Ekiti, Comrade Morakinyo Akintayo, gave the order on Tuesday in Ado-Ekiti, when he led other members of his EXCO to an enlarged meeting, held with all market men and women leaders, across the 16 Local Government Areas of the State.

According to him, it was never part of the mandate given to the union by it’s national headquarters in Abuja to leave out any ethnic group, be it Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Itshekiri, Ijaw or Nupe, among others, in the scheme of operations of the union, in any part of the country.

He said the union had already kick-started it’s awareness campaigns and familiarisation visits to all traditional rulers as well as all local government headquarters, where it would also be meeting with market men and women, towards sensitizing them.

” This is a warning to our fathers and mothers who are market leaders, especially in Ekiti, that the activities and benefits derivable from the union’s activities are never designed to favour a particular region or ethnic group.

” To us as a union, everybody is counted worthy, and they must be carried along in what we do, or give, as relief packages to traders.

” The law that established us as a union does not recognise face, ethnicity or language, but only recognises your nationality as a Nigerian, wherever you may be living, and doing your legitimate business as a trader.

” Therefore, please, when you are registering your members in any of the Local Governments, do not give preferential treatment to anyone, or treat members of a particular ethnic group as more important than others.

” This is a Nigerian project, and nothing must be done to give it another name through certain untoward actions, perceived to be sectional”, he said.

He also advised them to be weary of scammers who may be going from one market to the other to present themselves as market employers, saying only NUMTEN was duly registered and recognised by the Federal Government to perform such roles.

Akintayo said the union was newly approved by the Federal Government, to function under the umbrella of Nigeria Labour Congress.(NLC), with the mandate of bringing orderliness to the nation’s markets.

” The National Union of Market Traders Employers of Nigeria is a union, Registered under the Trade Union Act, (CAP T 14), and Affiliated to the Nigeria Labour Congress, (NLC), and the union is non-political non tribal, non religion, non cultural, and non-governmental”, he said.

According to him, the union is to defend the Integrity and independence of the market traders in the country, by promoting and advancing their welfare in all the markets in the country.

” The establishment, is for maintenance and full operation of a system that will prompt quick attention to our nember’s needs”.

” We are also to promote and support market and business reform, regularisation and price control, in all the markets, at affordable price, as well as
create, and maintain endowment fund, such as grants and loans for all the market traders, so as to boost their income.

” We are also to maintain highest standard of professional conduct, etiquette and discipline among market traders, establish schemes, for the promotion of the welfare, security and economic advancement for members of the union.

” Our members cut across not only all the markets, but also those that engage in business of buying and selling of non-perishable goods and commodities”, he said.

Akintayo said the union, having been duly established and registered by the Federal Government, would not waste time in working according to it’s mandate, by spearheading all activities in the markets across the country, and provide the traders, conducive environment for trade, and also assist them on how to improve on their daily activities in the markets.

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