Female Activist Tasks FG to save Nigerians from kidnapping, terrorism

A Nigerian female activist, Dr. Nabila Yusuf Ahmad, has urged the Federal Government to institute concerted efforts in intensifying the security of lives and property across the country, specifically in the 19 northern states.

Ahmad, who is also the Vice President, Voice of Arewa, pointed out that every, Nigerian faces the harsh realities of kidnappings, street begging, unemployment, and deplorable living conditions.

A statement issued in Abuja on Sunday by her media office, quoted her speaking at a World Press Conference organized by the Voice of Arewa with the theme: “Security In Jeopardy: A call to Action”.

“As the Vice President of Voice of Arewa, I am filled with passion and determination to address the critical issues that plague our beloved Northern Nigeria. Data obtained by Daily Trust shows that 1,158 people were reportedly kidnapped between June to October. On a month-by-month basis, the breakdown of reported kidnapped victims shows that September recorded the highest number of kidnappings with 498, closely followed by August and June with 213 and 178 kidnapped persons respectively.

“The tragedy is worse in the northern region. The total number of victims in Zamfara stood at 229 and 202 FCT at the time of the report. In Kaduna alone, 353 victims were kidnapped, more than all the 17 Southern states combined, where 352 victims were reported to have been kidnapped.

“We understand that people should not remain silent while their communities suffer. Therefore, as the Voice of Arewa, we refuse to accept the status quo. Today, we raise our voices with unwavering resolve, calling upon the President, governors, and all relevant authorities and agencies to take immediate and decisive action.

“Our families, neighbours, friends, and future are being snatched away from the safety of our schools as kidnapping even students becomes the most lucrative business for perpetrators, which shouldn’t be tolerated any longer by the federal government.

We demand the rescue and the restoration of security in Arewa and the country at large.

“Our passion burns bright, fueled by our love for our land and its people. We will not rest until all victims are rescued, until every child is safe, until every family can, and every person can live in dignity and prosperity’’, she stated.

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