Edo 2024 : Civil society groups fault APC guber primary

A coalition of Civil Society Organisation (CSO) have disapproved the ongoing All Progressive Congress (APC) Edo state gubernatorial election in Benin, the state capital.

The CSO specifically alleged that the procress lacks transparency and did not follow the party’s guidelines.

The groups asked the party National Leadership to save itself from the looming danger of litigation and consequences by ensuring that it’s constitution and guideline are followed to the later.

In a statement by the coalition signed by Comrade Victor Kalu, Grassroots Development and Peace Initiative, and Edmond Osareti, Development Center For Rescue Mission sighted by newsmen urged the party leadership to urgently address the flaws.

Parts of the statement reads, “Challenges faced in APC Primary election in Edo state. The All Progressives Congress (APC) primary election in Edo State has encountered significant challenges, hindering a seamless selection process for aspiring candidates. This preliminary report as observed by the underlisted Seven reputable Civil Society Organizations committed to strengthening democratic values and credible leadership in Nigeria, sheds light on three major concerns observed during the primary: a lack of awareness among party members about the process, a dearth of stakeholders meetings to inform party members, and the absence of the party voters register for aspirants who had made payments.

“Lack of Awareness Among Party Members:
One critical issue that emerged during the APC primary in Edo State was the limited awareness among party members regarding the electoral process. Numerous party members expressed their concern and ignorance about the primary’s procedures and guidelines. This knowledge gap resulted in a sense of disillusionment and frustration among the party faithful, who had expected a more inclusive and transparent election.

“Another significant concern was the lack of stakeholders meetings conducted by the APC in Edo State to fully brief its members about the primary election. Stakeholders meetings play a crucial role in disseminating important information, clarifying doubts, and building trust among party members. The absence of such meetings left many aspirants and their supporters feeling neglected and uninformed about crucial aspects of the primary process.

“Aspirants who had paid for access to the party voters register, as part of their preparations for the primary, faced an unexpected hurdle. This setback impeded their ability to effectively engage with and mobilise potential voters within the party. The absence of the required voters register not only hindered the aspirants’ campaign strategies but also raised questions about the transparency and efficiency of the registration system within the party.

“The APC primary election in Edo State faced significant challenges, prominently including a lack of member awareness, insufficient stakeholders meetings to provide guidance, and the unavailability of the party voters register for the aspirants. These issues undermine the transparency, credibility, and inclusivity of the primary process, potentially leading to a diminished trust among party members.

“Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring a fair and democratic primary election, thereby strengthening the party and promoting a genuine sense of participation among its members.

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