10 things parents need to put in place as children prepare to resume school

10 things parents need to put in place as children prepare to resume school

As the end of the summer vacation is approaching, parents and guardians are preparing their children for the start of the new school year.

Careful planning and close attention to detail are necessary to guarantee your child has a seamless transition. There’s a lot to think about, including getting physicals, buying school supplies, and creating a daily schedule.

In this article are outlined 10 things parents need to ensure as children prepare for school resumption, serving as a checklist to help you prepare your child for a successful and stress-free academic year.

Ensure your child’s physical health
Ensure your child is healthy before school resumes, with regular check-ups and medical attention if necessary, and vaccinations up to date. Check their temperature regularly and teach them to observe and take personal hygiene seriously. This is one of the most absolute pieces to be fixed before resumption..

School Supplies
Organise school supplies such as uniforms, textbooks, exercise books, stationery, school bags, and other requirements. You should ensure that the school supplies your child might need are all available, neat, and well-packed in preparation for school. You can write a list to help you with this.

Revise Studies
Encourage your child to revise their studies before school resumes to refresh their memory. Create a healthy study routine plan that is more than just to study. You can introduce a revision timetable for them, to keep the brain active for school activities and give them a seamless transition into school activities

Organise your schedule and daily routine
You need to organise your own schedule and get back the flow to ease yourself stress. You can gradually introduced the daily school routine of sleeping early, waking up early and eating properly. Establish a daily routine for your child, including adequate sleep, exercise, and rest time. Get them back to a good sleeping pattern to get them well by rested for school .

Positive mindset
Instil a positive mindset in your child, including how to cope with challenges, peer pressure, and academic demands. Children conform to what they hear and see around them. You can also provide emotional support for your child. Resumption of school can trigger anxiety and stress in your child, be sure to monitor the changes in your child and try to work on them.

Extracurricular activities
Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, and music lessons. You can ask them what they love to do and support them. This would help them find their passion and strength early, work on them and improve or hone their skills.

School events
Be aware of school events, such as parent-teacher association meetings or open-house events, and attend them. You get to know more about your child’s activities in school and how well they cope in school from this activity

Communicate with teachers
Communicate and build a relationship with your child’s teachers to know their progress, character, and questions about their performance. This would ensure you know which area in academics and values that your child is lacking from..

Stock up your home
Stock up your home with food stuffs and provisions to get ready for them. You can prepare a meal outline for a week or month, ensuring that each meal is packed full with nutrients your child would need to grow and learn.

Childcare and safety plans
If you are a working parent, ensure you make preparations for after-school child care for your child . After a day’s activity in school, a child needs adequate rest and care to not break down. You can also make safety plans by creating walking routes with your child, informing them of emergency contacts, and safety tips for public transportation.


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